
Tuesday, August 17, 2010


As a retired professional fund raiser, I can attest to how hard it is to raise zillions from some of America's wealthiest people. But, I'm not Warren Buffet or Bill Gates. When these guys come calling, all bets are off. Even so, when I read back in June, that Warren and Bill were out to convince 30 fellow billionaires to agree to giving half of their fortunes away, I couldn't help but think "Good luck!" I just didn't appreciate the power of one mogul asking another to do something grand. Regardless the fact that they have succeeded is fantastic news that can't receive too much applause. It's nothing less than a ray (gold, of course) of pure sunlight in a very cloudy sky. Now, if each of those 30 will go after just one more over achiever, just imagine the possibilities. Bravo Warren and Bill!


Bullying in schools is as old as the Devil. And not just in hazardous duty schools. Nor is it just a boy thing. We've all heard just how nasty young "ladies" can be. The suicide of a Massachusetts girl after months of email brutality made it clear that cyber bullying and sexting were new threats to civility and decency in our schools. Bullying is also a factor in our offices and factories that predates Ebineezer Scrooge. Overbearing bosses abound as they rant and rave to harrass and humiliate subordinates into achieving production goals no matter what. Now, at last, this wretched behavior has been targeted for elimination from the US Dept. of Education on down through most of our states and school districts. Huge progress has also been made in business, too, though many employees may still feel trappped by the scarcity of jobs. No matter how long it takes to eliminate bullies wherever they may be, these unfortunate people now have scarlet "B's" on their foreheads for all to see. That's progress, folks.

Rejoice Greatly

Civilization has been on a roll recently, it would seem, and now the decency that is one of it's halllmark is being extended to animals! Finally! Thank you, Humane Society of the United States, Professor Peter Singer of Princeton and many others for your tireless work and leadership. Chickens and veal calves are the major beneficiaries of this particular break through in which leadership states like California and Ohio have agreed to ease up on tight caging of chickens over the next 15 years. By 2017 veal calves will be unchained! The European Union is quite a bit ahead of us, but this too, is significant progress to balance the ledger a bit These are all God's creatures, over which He gave us dominion, and I am certain He is pleased. Again, I say, rejoice.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

What's Up at the Chemical Plant?

Everyone knows that we humans are walking chemical plants. As children, we recognize that our bodies are growing and as teenagers we can tell really fascinating things are happening. Lost in the beauty of our new bodies, we pay little attention to our heads and the different ways we deal with others. The changes keep right on going until even the most casual observer has to be aware of different management at the factory.

I mention these stunning insights because I have been thinking recently about the roots of partisanship that are afflicting our body politic as probably never before. For years, men whispered that women could never lead well and consistently becasuse of regular problems Mother Nature gave them. The difficulties men experienced were, of course, perfectly acceptable and unworthy of comment. So what if some guys became querulous, predatory and didn't play well with others?

I know what drives Reps. Bachmann, Boehner and Cantor and the assorted people seeking office (though the crop this season includes some of the most absolute nut cases ever seen). It's naked ambition. But what about rich, old men like Sens. Cornyn, McCain, McConnell, etc.? (I literally can't think of Democratic senators who are as repugnant and outspoken.) What hormones are driving them to lie, misinform, bluster and block any move that runs counter to their political beliefs this year? It can't be conviction, surely, no sudden recognition that we're spending a lot of money. Is it possible they're on steroids or is the politics bug like malaria, once bitten it can hide in your bodyand return occasionally forever? I know the power, fawning and perks are fantastic for members of congress, but enough to put party over country and pandering over serious legislation on vital issues? I just can't buy it. Maybe it's the same spotlight fever that keeps performers on stage when they should have retired; I could understand that. Maybe some of them think they really are defending something they personnally believe in deeply, like traditional marriage or anti-abortion laws. That, too, would make sense to me. And maybe it's racism! Now there's a possible resentment buried deep that needs to be camouflaged lest it bite back. I wonder how many Americans just don't want to see a black man in the White House, let alone a handsome, young and fit black man with a beautiful family, good manners, a fine education and intellect who represents the USA well and has an ambitious agenda to move the country forward? Eureka! I've got it!

Hello, Plant? Find a cure and make it snappy!