Bullying in schools is as old as the Devil. And not just in hazardous duty schools. Nor is it just a boy thing. We've all heard just how nasty young "ladies" can be. The suicide of a Massachusetts girl after months of email brutality made it clear that cyber bullying and sexting were new threats to civility and decency in our schools. Bullying is also a factor in our offices and factories that predates Ebineezer Scrooge. Overbearing bosses abound as they rant and rave to harrass and humiliate subordinates into achieving production goals no matter what. Now, at last, this wretched behavior has been targeted for elimination from the US Dept. of Education on down through most of our states and school districts. Huge progress has also been made in business, too, though many employees may still feel trappped by the scarcity of jobs. No matter how long it takes to eliminate bullies wherever they may be, these unfortunate people now have scarlet "B's" on their foreheads for all to see. That's progress, folks.
Rejoice Greatly
Civilization has been on a roll recently, it would seem, and now the decency that is one of it's halllmark is being extended to animals! Finally! Thank you, Humane Society of the United States, Professor Peter Singer of Princeton and many others for your tireless work and leadership. Chickens and veal calves are the major beneficiaries of this particular break through in which leadership states like California and Ohio have agreed to ease up on tight caging of chickens over the next 15 years. By 2017 veal calves will be unchained! The European Union is quite a bit ahead of us, but this too, is significant progress to balance the ledger a bit These are all God's creatures, over which He gave us dominion, and I am certain He is pleased. Again, I say, rejoice.