
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Celestial Navigation

A number of my good friends have been sailors. They've built boats with their own hands, raced them and been U S Navy officers; they're familiar with the stars, warm bridge coats and short watches "before the rising sun." Many of them have also been fine athletes, because sailing requires discipline, concentration and stamina.

Despite the awful jokes about God playing golf, I think He particularly likes athletes because they are using the wonderful minds and bodies He gave them for a decent purpose and refining their skills. I appreciate athletes, too, and I've always ranked them mentally as simply good athletically, good athletically and scholastically and, at the top of the heap, those who are fine athletes with excellent minds and an understanding of God's loving relationship with His people.

Throughout the New testament there are numerous references to an athletic approach to living life, "running the good race, the victor's crown," etc. We are instructed on how to dresss for combat ("put on the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, etc. "and the terms of the conflict are painted vividly. In defying sin, we are fighting all the powers of Hell. This makes every day a noble effort rather than just another game to be won or lost. Best yet, in the game God is interested in, one can lose again and again and still win, not with a desperate pass with a terrible name, but a redemption that lets us join Christ's victory at the finish line.

The game I am thinking about goes on long after we lose the ability to be good sailors or golfers. Are we still thinking about wins, as we move into our late 70's and beyond? Unless you are a household name, your experience is seemingly worth zero; a silver star or a knighthood? Forget it. Who knows, who cares? But I think, if one's motive is pure, there are innumerable things that can be done at almost any age to score big. That is certainly the way God planned it.

At the very least, many older people hope they can die well, being cheerful and without complaint. (If there is anything I am certain about it is that literally no one wants to hear about anyone's poor health.) Maybe they can still rescue someone from a car wreck, but that would probably require a small miracle. Surely, however, seniors can think up a good idea or two. Start up a charity in your basement like one of those mentioned recently in the NY Times Magazine. I like the idea of quietly or anonymously supplying some family or young person with direct financial aid, no strings attached. Share a trip or cultural event with some promising young person in school who can't afford such an experience. I have been a recruiter for my college for years, and I am pained to say that those kids who can afford mind expanding experiences almost have to score higher than those who must help tend the family's store whenever they have a free moment. Focus on women, too, they are still a long way from parity with men and they can surely do better. Who knows, when all the planets are aligned properly, what good things might happen right up to the very end.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Written for the Ages?

Below is a list of books and documents that I feel are written for the ages and not subject to question or careful revision.

Don't see it? Good. It's not there. Not the Holy Bible, not the Constitution of the United Staes, not E=Mc2.

As you might guess from blogs I have written, I am a repenting sinner and a practicing Christian who believes every word of the Apostle's Creed. I do not, however, believe in countless statements in the Bible that make no sense today and seem incompatible with the Good News of Jesus Christ, which itself represents a New Covenant offered by God to His people, after the Flood.

Antonin Scalia, the Associate Justice of the Supreme Court best kown for his strong belief in strictly interpreting the US Constitution, is a legal scholar I can't argue with, but common sense tells me his cause is basically flawed. It simply doesn't allow for the explosive changes that have legitimately occured in the world we live in, which is led by the United States of America. We've ammended the Constitution many times and we should not be afraid to do so again. In the meantime it needs to be interpreted not merely recited.

Einstein's famous formula concerning relativity looks like a winner in the Truth Forever category, but who really knows? He apparently made plenty of mistakes and the day may come when his best idea will simply be tossed on to the scap heap of science. And Einstein won't mind because he was seeking truth, which is what counts.

I am weary and wary of people who have got all the answers. Politicians who sound so earnest, ministers and priests who are supremely confident that they know God's mind and heart positively annoy me. They have disappointed so many times, it's a wonder many of them are again given the time to speak. Many of the events I see coming could turn the world upside down. We need people with the depth of perspective to respond with fresh wisdom and courageous action.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Test Time for America

It's here! Finally, inevitably. Test time for America.

No, I don't mean the mid-term elections, now only 15 days, 7 hours and 43 minutes away, as our pretend press corps reports 24/7 from some redoubt in Iowa. It's our equivalent of the famous Battle for Britain.

Americans are furious and scared at the moment, outraged with government at all levels and politicians of both parties and they have every right to be angry. They have been betrayed by religious leaders, predatory business people, even sports heroes and they are throwing wild punches right and left. They are enduring 2 wars they don't want and reeling from terrible financial losses, too, while 15 million are unemployed. Capitalism needs some adjustments. Soon, if worse distractions like riots, assassinations, and terrorist attacks don't intervene, they will more calmly come to understand what has actually gone wrong and who specifically is responsible. The goodness and greatness of our people will burst through and we will settle down as a nation to repair the damage and live with the wonderful things we have. That's my hope and prayer because we are of the same blood as our valiant English cousins and those indomitable pioneers who made this country great. This could be one of "our finest hours."

But not if we don't get coherent political leadership. This is no slap at President Obama, whom I admire and respect. I simply see no chance whatsoever that either of our two political parties can handle this crisis. Democrats have been craven and reckless, impossible to lead, while Republicans have been criminally irresponsible and cynical beyond belief, especially when a crisis is at hand. We must have a 3rd party as quickly as possible and I absolutely don't mean the Tea Party.

First, there has to be a public debate about what kind of a country we want to be. The ideological garbage has to be dumped as it clashes with the tides of history. Example: women, composing half of the human race, have been striving for equality with men for thousands of years. They will not be denied, so forget about repealing Roe v. Wade. The country has accepted that people can have different lifestyles, so knock off the bigotry on gays. Legalize sex and drugs; they've been around forever and regulation causes more problems than it can ever prevent. Americans want Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid and when the actual truth is known about Obama Care 42 million Americans will want it. We do not want a country where 24% of the wealth is owned by 1% of the people. We do not want bedroom police peering into our homes. Pass legislation that America can never go to war for more than 90 days without starting a national draft. Change the rules of Congress so that a disciplined or spiteful minority cannot block important legislation. Stop perpetual political campaigning and get the special interests out of campaign financing. Bite the bullet and raise taxes without partisanship. These are some of the preconditions for an effective 3rd party. The future leaders are there in people like Mike Bloomberg, David Petraeous and many more. We're in an existential crisis with no time for posturing and pettiness.

America has never been occupied by a foreign power. Our cities have never been bombed to rubble. Our people have never been enslaved or dominated. We will pass this test because we have to. It has already been brutally painful and more difficult days and years lie ahead, but we'll do it and be stronger for the effort.