
Monday, December 21, 2009

Jack Benny, Mitch McConnell and Benedict XVI

What do the late Jack Benny, the famous comedian of many years ago, and Mitch McConnell, the current Senate Minority Leader, have in common? Several things. First, I can't remember seeing either one smile. For Benny, being deadpan was part of his act. With McConnell, only a serious mein is appropriate for high minded considerations of the fate of the nation, indeed, the survival of western civilization. Second, both these gentlemen are hilarious: Benny squeezing a nickel, or misplaying the violin and McConnell excoriating Democrats while indulging in legislative ledgerdemain worthy of Niccolo Machiavelli and all the time expressing shock, shock at budget red ink. (Didn't he lend a strong hand to George W. Bush as he turned a federal budget surplus into a national debacle in only 8 years and 2 unfunded wars?)
Which brings me to the Pope. If you have been repulsed by the bickering and horse trading in Washington of late, how about Pope Benedict's amazing gesture recently to the disgruntled priests of the Church of England? When it comes to real politique on a grand scale, leave it to the Holy Catholic Church, for which, please believe me, I have only the greatest respect. Without benefit of caucases or cloture, the Pope discerned an opportunity to reverse Henry VIII's rebellion of almost 500 years ago that established the Church of England by inviting disgruntled Anglican priests, even married ones, back into the Roman Catholic fold!! He did it with a mere wave of his hand. That's epic daring and a switch that would make even Joe Lieberman blush. It does make one think also about efficiency in government.

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