
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Gifts

I've heard of fathers who have promised their children a new car, or a month in Europe, if they graduate from college and/or stay free of drug or alcohol abuse. These anxious parents don't want to offer too much or too little. So they try for an incentive that is extremely attractive, but not overboard ridiculous. Strong incentives work sometimes, but not always, I guess.

At the Crucifixion, Jesus offered the thief dying on a cross next to him forgiveness and the ability to be with Him in paradise that very day! How's that for generous? "My peace, I give to you," said Jesus, on another occasion. What gifts!! Imagine positively knowing that EVERYTHING is all right, and always will be. Imagine being free of fear and stress. Imagine delight and contentment, despite whatever misery or misfortune the world delivers at any given time. If you believe in Jesus as the Son of God, He has promised that you will have eternal life with Him in Heaven. That's all there is to it. That's the greatest gift possible and somehow it just doesn't seem to register accurately on us. God doesn't measure out his gifts carefully to find just the right balance. He goes hog wild! Bingo! You're in! Forget the bucks and the toys. You've won the jackpot. Happy Easter!

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