
Sunday, November 7, 2010

No Where To Go

I am a faithful Presbyterian and have been all my life. I go to church many miles from my home because there are essentially no other Presbyterian Churches to go to in my home town. The two biggest have been torn, no shredded, by the misdeeds of their pastors and have caused me and my loved ones much pain.

I've been a practicing Democrat for the last 50 years and now I don't really have a place to go with my anger, no rage is a better word, and frustrations with the weak, unruly and selfish bunch who call themselves the democratic leadership. Not President Obama, who could have led them to glory if they'd given him even half a chance, but the Blue Dogs, the poseurs, and penny ante congressmen and senators who always put their interests first and squandered the oppurtunity of a life time. They deserve to be defeated, even by the dismal ranks of the Republican tide of lying, cynical, midgets who did them in and who will now resume their do nothing destruction of the Republic.

Anyone who is not convinced that things can change rapoidly in American politics has not been watching the last 2 years of American history. What is equally clear is that is that our two party system is dead, not dying, but deceased. Government today is smoke and mirrors. Policies are determined on Wall Street in New York and brokered in Washington to the highest bidder. Is it any wonder that the middle class has been destroyed and that the rich have gotten enormously richer, recession be damned? News has become propaganda, issues lost in packaging and sloganeering.

For me, it's time for another political party. The democrats deserved defeat. I can no longer trust them to deliver any more than I can imagine the Republican party of Mitch McConnell, Dick Armey, John Boehner, Sarah Palin and Rand Paul coming up with anything I'd vote for. Someone needs to step up to the task and I'll vote for him or her. It has to be soon, however and my guess is will be Mike Bloomberg, a man with a name, a brain and big bucks.

People are going to have to trust a new party to overhaul the tax code fairly so that it protects American ideals, supports the elderly, the indigent and disabled while encouraging investment and growth. People of all stripes feel cheated and ripped off today, so if deductions for mortgages and charitable gifts are changed or eliminated, for instance, their loss will be offset by new moves to make union organization automatic or similar efforts to strengthen the middle class. Efforts to cut the national debt and/or balance the budget by skinning the middle class will unacceptable. Our next leader is going to have to know how to communicate broadly and specifically in the clearest terms, for the Republicans have proved beyond a shadow of doubt that packaging, style and slogans rule the day. I'm ready to follow a new leader if he/she will show me where to go.

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