As a music lover, I enjoy singing, but it takes a chorus of at least 500 to c0ver my mistakes and self consciousnes. So it was the other night (actually some weeks ago) as I listened with interest to people speaking out at the Tea Party Debate for republican candidates for president in 2012. There was no reticence or timidity here. Members if the audience were comfortable with each other. One might even say they deserved each other.
One man shouted out "Let him die," when the moderator asked about what to do with an old person who had outlived his resources. Did I hear that clearly? It sounded lie I had suddenly been transported back to the Roman Arena. Yep, sadly I did and that person must have felt entirely comfortable yelling his comment. It was probably another Rep. Joe Wison type who couldn't contain himself seated cozily with other Republicans in the House of Representatives during the State of the Union Address last January. Imagine it! vLet the bum die, who cares? Do you supposed that man goes to church? It's an attitude that has zero virftue, something better left unsaid.
I was shocked,frankly, but I shouldn't have been because arlier in the evening Gov. Perry had been boasting about his excellent sleeping habits, unconcerned about the incredible number of people executed i9n Texas dduring his reign. He was certain none had been put to death innocent. Couldn't happen in the Great State of Texas. How could any official be quite so callous, or pretend to be, about one of the most serious of his responsibilities as an elected representative of the people? Why couldn't he have said something responsible like "authorizing the execution of another human being in the administration of justice is a part of my duties as governor that I take with the utmost seriousness and I would be horrified if my state ever took the life of a man or woman who did not commit the crime for which he/she was convicted. Accordingly..." Nope, Gov. Perry chose to posture. People do heinous things in my state they get fried. We don't need a president like that.
To me, the Perry types and those who yell comments like "Let him die" remind me all to clearly of those that screamed "crucify him" 2011 years ago.
(In the interim between when this piece was written and today when it is belatedly being posted, and at still another Republican Debate, a soldier who was praising the demise of Don't Ask Don't Tell was booed by the crowd without drawing the slightest rebuke from any of the potential commanders in chief present. How sad.)
To me the Perry types and those who yell "Let him died
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