
Monday, July 12, 2010


Having established unilaterally, in a recent blog, that what most people want in life is Peace, it's time to be more specific.
God will do what He pleases, of course, but in most cases I don't think the arrival of Peace comes with trumpets blaring. One knows he has Peace when he has received enough Gracies to know that Father is communicating.

What's a Gracie? It's a monogrammed favor from the Maker of Heaven and Earth. It's a hint, an act of Grace, but it is so subjective a thing that it has a little signature attached to it that clearly identifies it as being only for you. An example for me, for instance, would be a gift of music whereby I heard something I didn't know and fell instantly in love with it. That happened once with Mozart's Zaida and more recently as I was recovering from a miserable eye opertation and suddenly found much, much more than I had ever known was in Faure's Requiem.

What would a Gracie be for you? The interesting thing here is that we see everything so differently than the common stereotypes indicate, be they male and female or ectomorph, endomorph, mesomorph, Type A or B and so on. People love each other for the most absurd reasons the mind can imagine. They worry about issues no on could guess. So a Gracie for one person might be a reference to a lock of hair or a pair of size 15 sneakers. What it means is that the Lord God loves you and knows you individually as his own and is telling you gently so as not to scare the living daylights out of you with horns and burning bushes. I'll trade you all the Presidential cufflinks in DC plus all the Papal blessings at the Vatican for one little Gracie, thank you.

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